Monday 30 September 2013

We want Change too!  'Pret Minister Hun Sen' is not even deemed fit to dwell among the inmates of Hell...

Hun Sen dies. He then goes to hell (of course).
In heaven, angels are awakened by a huge noise at heaven's door... Lord Buddha opens the door and what does he see? ... a crowd of devils screaming desperately.
Lord Buddha: "What is wrong with you, what are you doing here?"
Devils: "We are the first group of immigrants from hell! We request political exile in heaven! Since Hun Sen is down there with us, the whole hell has gone nuts!"
Chea Sim and Hun Sen share a joke . . . or maybe something gets lost in translation?

Hun Sen is suffering of insomnia. He goes to his doctor and complains.
Hun Sen: "I cannot sleep, no matter what I do! What should I do?"
Doctor: "Try reading your own speeches!"


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