Monday 30 September 2013

Simple recommendations:

1- Holding a general congress [samaj?] with the party supporters/ public to consult general public opinion prior to entering negotiation - the planned congress on 6th October is a positive step forward. This will forge and cement a mood of trust and transparency between the party and the electorate as well as paving the way for direct, participatory democracy to take roots and flourish.

2- Establish and agree a set agenda or specific outline of priorities to be explored or negotiated with the other party prior to sitting at the negotiating table.

3- Never deviate from step 2 under any circumstances, and if necessary defer back to the electorate/supporters by holding another congress to discuss and determine the best course of action prior to resuming the next phase of negotiation.

4- Establish a policy review/research unit [think-tank] to ensure the party is abreast of what is at stake on major policy issues of vital relevance from land rights, ELC and border infringements to constitutional violation. The think tank can act as the party's supreme committee of advisers; a soundboard for the party leadership to feel, reflect and detect against its own policy stance.

5- Demand that the negotiation be set up in a transparent manner with maximum involvement of independent observers, or at any rate, take a tape recording device with you to the meeting!

6- Have faith in the people - School of Vice


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