Monday 30 September 2013

The people have spoken - The Cambodian people are prepared to go the distance to bring about meaningful change, but will Opposition leaders be inclined to be part of their fight?  - School of Vice
Op-ed by XMEN

Cambodia National Rescue Party’s intention is to win the 5th Mandate of the National Election in Cambodia and it did win; however, it was stolen by the CPP and the National Election Committee. The people of Cambodia must hold CPP and NEC accountable for their crimes against the people of Cambodia.

There should NOT be any negotiation between CPP and CNRP. The will of the people has already spoken out loud; the people do not want CPP to rule for the next five years, thus CPP has no other choice but to submit to the will of the people. CNRP must continue to challenge CPP based on Rule of Law and they are the followings:

1. Cambodian Constitution
2. National Election Laws

Although the people have already known NEC, CPP and Constitutional Council of Cambodia are all in this together, or at least they are from the same political party, thus there is no way CNRP will ever get a fair chance on the electoral ballot, but the Cambodia National Rescue Party has the people behind them if not all, at least 85% of the people will back CNRP. In this respect, CNRP has nothing to lose and to pursue CPP under the laws and bringing this attention to the World Community, United States of America, European Unions, Australia and finally, the United Nations.

My recommendation is for the CNRP not to join the CPP since the latter is the guilty party that stole this election from the People of Cambodia. If the CNRP has decided to join this government, it means the CNRP has sold their souls to the CPP and the CNRP does not care about the country, but their own personal interests.

Patrick Henry once said, “ Give me liberty or give me death.” He expressed himself on March 23, 1775 during a speech made before the Virginia House of Burgesses at Saint John’s Church.

Under the Cambodian Election Laws and responsibilities, the National Election Committee has violated most of the Articles in Election Laws. The only possible way that CPP can join and make it right for CNRP is for CPP to recognize the real winner and that is CNRP (63) while CPP (60). His Excellency Sam Rainsy will take a Prime Minister position, His Excellency Kem Sokha will be a Deputy Premiership and CPP can either put Sok An, Sar Kheng or whoever they think will be a better candidate for their own political party. This is one approach to solve this crisis, but I doubt that CPP will accept this idea. On the contrary, to accept the CPP (68) CNRP (55), although not a great idea, but ONLY IF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ARE MET BY THE CPP AND AGREES:

1. To make His Excellency Sam Rainsy the Leader of the House of Parliament and His Excellency Kem Sokha the Vice Chairman of the House of Parliament;

2. To remove all current members of the National Election Committee and reform the Election Laws;

3. To replace all the Members of the Constitutional Council and be placed with the new four (4) members from CNRP and three (3) members from CPP;

4. To amend the Constitution pertaining to the Terms of Limitation of all government employees specifically the Prime Minster Position (Two Terms - Five Years Each Term) and can never be re-elected in any public offices); Both House and Senate members of representatives shall represent in the House of Parliament and the House of Senate of no more than (Two Terms – Two Years Each Term)and these members of the House and Senates can run for public offices at any given times, but through an electoral process.

If CPP agrees to this agreement CNRP will be able to join the new Opening Ceremony of Cambodian Parliament celebrates the 5th Mandate of the New National Assembly of 2013.

I hope this message will find its rightful owner and become key issues in solving this election problem.


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